Riverside Building 5

1 West End Ave, Manhattan, New York, NY, USA

Riverside Building 5 was the first tower to be built in the 8 acres of the Riverside Center mega project in the southwest neighborhood of the upper west side. Located at 1 West End Ave between West 59th and 60th Street, construction began on the residential tower in 2014. It is now topped out at 41 floors and stands 470 ft high after the completion in 2017. UBS began shed and fence construction in March of 2015 and hoist installation the following month. Approximately 200 ft of 16 ft high sidewalk bridge was put up along West End Ave, containing full plywood fencing on the interior of the shed and jersey barriers on the exterior. Two truck gates were also put up on both the 59th and 60th Street corners of West End Ave. Two 7,000 lb capacity dual hoists on a common platform were installed on-site, one which was counterweighted. The counterweighted hoist serviced from the cellar up to the main roof (42nd floor), totalling 495 feet of coverage. The non-counterweighted hoist serviced from the ground to the main roof as well, totalling 470 ft of coverage.